Tips for Dealing with the Insurance Company After an Accident

After a car accident, there’s a good chance you’ll have to deal with the other driver’s insurance company. This is true if you’ve opted out of Pennsylvania’s no-fault insurance and the other driver was negligent, or if the injuries are serious enough to exceed Pennsylvania’s serious injury threshold. Unfortunately, the insurance company is not on your side after a car crash. These companies are more interested in keeping their own profits than they are in providing you the compensation you need. As such, you should always follow the below tips for dealing with an insurance company after an accident.
Don’t Sign Anything
No matter the insurance company you’re going to have to deal with, they’re going to try and offer you a low-ball settlement. This is so that they can keep more of their own money and deny you the settlement you deserve. If you sign this and it’s not enough to fully cover the cost of your injuries, you’ll be barred from going back to them to claim compensation in the future. Always have an attorney look over any documents the insurance company gives you before you sign them.
Don’t Provide a Recorded Statement
If another driver was negligent and you don’t have no-fault insurance, you’ll have to go through the other driver’s insurance company to claim compensation. That insurance company will work very hard to prove that you were at fault. Under Pennsylvania’s comparative fault laws, if they can prove that you were at fault, they will use it to reduce or deny your claim. It’s best to say as little as possible after an accident but if you do say anything, do not let them record it.
Be Cautious When Using the Mechanic’s Preferred Mechanic
No matter the insurance company that you go through, you may have to use one of their preferred mechanics. If you don’t, the amount of compensation you are awarded may be reduced because it will not cover your property damage. However, it may be worth it to use a mechanic you’re familiar with and that you know will do a good job. Mechanics on the insurance company’s preferred list are typically on it because they don’t charge as much for their work.
Understand the Claims Process
Insurance companies are able to use many tricks to reduce, delay, or deny your claim because they understand the process so well. They know how to work within it to cut corners and give you the smallest settlement possible. To combat this, you must understand the claims process as well. If you don’t, you should speak to an attorney that does.
Speak to a Pennsylvania Personal Injury Lawyer Today
Insurance companies have many strategies they use to try and pay accident victims the lowest settlement they can. At Haggerty, Hinton & Cosgrove, LLP, our Scranton personal injury lawyers know what these strategies are and how to fight them. We hold insurers accountable for paying accident victims the settlement they need to help them recover from their injuries. If you’ve been hurt in a crash, call us today at 570-344-9845 so we can review your case.