When You Need a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Pennsylvania

Under Pennsylvania’s Workers’ Compensation Act, all workers injured on the job are entitled to receive benefits when they are injured on the job. This compensation can provide for medical expenses and even lost income for the injured worker. When an injury is minor and the situation surrounding the accident is not complicated, you likely don’t need an attorney to help with your claim. However, if the accident involved any one of the complicated circumstances below, you will have the most success after contacting an attorney.
You Have a Preexisting Condition
Under the Workers’ Compensation Act, employers and their insurance company are only required to provide compensation for injuries associated with an accident that occurred on the job. The employer and their insurance company will also likely try to deny claims in order to save themselves some money. As such, if they can prove that you have a preexisting condition, and the injury did not happen at work, they will deny your claim.
Your Employer is Uncooperative
Workers’ compensation claims aren’t good for employers. They have to report it to their insurance company, and that can affect their insurance rates. That means your injury could actually cost them money. Due to this, employers are often uncooperative before even filing your claim. They may state your injury didn’t happen at work, or didn’t occur in the scope of your employment. A workers’ compensation lawyer can prove the link between your employment, and your injury.
Your Benefits are Denied
Unfortunately, workers’ compensation denies more claims than they approve. After a denial, too many injured workers give up and stop pursuing compensation. An attorney can help you file an appeal to get you the benefits you need.
Your Compensation Does Not Cover Your Costs
Even when the insurance company does approve a workers’ compensation claim, they often try to offer lower settlements than what you need. This allows them to keep more of their profits. When this is the case, a workers’ compensation attorney can hold the insurance company accountable for providing full benefits.
Your Claim Involves a Third Party
If your accident was caused by someone that does not work for your employer, you must file a third-party claim. These claims can result in much more compensation, as you can claim injuries such as pain and suffering, a type of compensation not available in workers’ compensation claims. An attorney can identify all the types of compensation you are owed, and help you get it.
Your Employer Retaliates Against You for Filing a Claim
Again, workers’ compensation claims are not good for employers. After filing one, your employer may reduce your hours, demote you, harass you, or even terminate your employment. If your employer takes any of these actions or retaliates against you in another way, a Scranton workers compensation attorney will ensure you get the benefits you need, and hold your employer accountable for their behavior.
Need Help with a Workers’ Comp Claim? Call a Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Attorney
If you’ve been hurt at work, hopefully your workers’ compensation claim is approved with little hassle. If it isn’t, our Scranton workers’ compensation attorneys at Haggerty, Hinton & Cosgrove, LLP can help. If you’re hurt and are about to file a workers’ compensation claim, or have been denied and would like to appeal, call us today at 570-344-9845. We’ll hold the insurance company and your employer accountable for paying the compensation you need, and give you the best chance of a positive outcome.